The Lightning Network (LN) is a second layer solution built on top of Bitcoin, aimed to solve Bitcoin’s long transaction waiting times and high transaction fees. Empirical and theoretical studies show that the LN is tending towards the hub and spoke network topology. In this topology most of the nodes, the spokes, open a single channel to one of the few well-connected nodes, the hubs. This topology is known to be prone to failures, attacks, and privacy issues. In this work we introduce the Maypoles protocol in which most nodes open two channels instead of one. We show that this protocol benefits the network significantly by enhancing its stability, privacy, and resilience to attacks. We also examine the economic incentives of nodes to take part in Maypoles.
The limited throughput is a challenge shared by all Proof of Work (PoW) blockchains, such as Bitcoin. By design, these blockchains limit the expected number of transaction per second, as making this number larger comes at the expense of security.
A direct consequence of this is an auction-like dynamic for the limited space available, driving the transaction fees up. High fees limit the usability of the blockchain, and narrow its adoption.
Another limit of PoW blockchains is the long waiting time needed for a transaction to be considered secure. In PoW blockchains, the longer one waits, the more secure the transaction is. The expected time a transaction waits until it is approved varies between blockchains, usually being somewhere between a few minutes to an hour. Even a minute is an unacceptable waiting time for retail transactions and other use-cases. Similar to the throughput problem, this cannot be changed without serious security risks.
Second layer protocols are solutions to the above challenges. Generally speaking, these protocols aggregate transactions and send a summary to the blockchain as seldom as possible. By doing this, these protocols reduce congestion on the blockchains and offer cheaper and quicker transactions.
In this paper, we focus on Bitcoin’s most predominant second layer solution, the Lightning Network (LN) introduced in [1]. The results presented here are relevant in the wider context of payment channel networks that work on the same principles. See [2] for an overview.
The basic building block of the LN is a channel. Alice and Bob open a channel by sending a Bitcoin transaction. This transaction locks a given amount of bitcoin inside the channel. Once the channel is open, Alice and Bob can freely transact with each other by shifting the amount of funds owned by each party in the channel. These transactions happen immediately, and do not entail any fees. At any point, Alice and Bob can close the channel by sending another Bitcoin transaction and get their respective funds back on the blockchain.
Furthermore, if Bob also has a channel with Carol, Alice can transact with Carol through Bob, if Bob allows this. There is no theoretical limit1 on the length of the chain of payments. So, Alice can pay Zoey through Bob, Charlie, Donna, and so on, as long as all the parties on the way from Alice to Zoey agree to this. Parties along the route may charge a fee. We give further details on payments over the LN in Appendix 6.
Several studies have shown the tendency of the LN towards the hub and spoke topology. This topology can be described as follows. There is a small number of nodes with many channels, these nodes are called hubs. The rest of the nodes are connected to a single hub. A node connected with a single channel to a hub is called the hub’s spoke. See Figure 1 for an illustration.
Hub and spoke networks suffer from stability, security, and privacy issues. These issues arise both from the lack of guarantees provided by the connections between the hubs and from the fact that the spokes have only a single channel.
In this paper, we propose a solution called Maypoles. This solution builds on top of the hub and spoke topology. In Maypoles, each spoke opens two channels instead of one. The first channel to a hub of its choice, called the main hub, through which it plans to move most of its transactions. The second channel to a hub chosen by the spoke’s main hub, this hub is called the secondary hub. The main hub selects the secondary hub randomly. The full details of the protocol are given in Section 2.2.
We show that by adding channels as prescribed by Maypoles, we are able to make the network exhibit a healthy topology that is less prone to attacks and breakdowns due to malfunction, and to enhances privacy. We also show that it is in the best interest of the spokes to open these two channels, as this allows them to send payments over the LN without down-times and save on channel rebalancing fees.
In this paper we make the first attempt, to the best of our knowledge, to push back against the tendency of the LN to collapse to a centralized structure such as the hub and spoke topology. While understanding that currently most nodes open a single channel to a well-connected hub, we offer to build on top of this to improve the network’s structure.
We prove theoretical results, with no assumptions on the structure of the underlying LN, and then show the results of simulations on top of current LN data. The simulations show that the average case over the current LN is even better than the guarantees given by the theoretical results.
In Maypoles the benefits to the network do not rely on a coordinated effort of all nodes. Each hub chooses its own random subset of secondary hubs, and each node chooses its main hub independently of other nodes in the network. We show that local independent decisions can improve global properties of the network.
To motivate improvements to the LN, we use recent results on the economy of transactions fees in Bitcoin and of LN channels. By examining economic incentives, we create a win-win situation where both the network and the spokes benefit from the protocol. The economic assumption made in proving the incentive compatibility are modest and backed by data.
The starting point we wish to improve is the hub and spoke topology. We assume that the set of nodes is
We assume that we are in the steady state of the hub and spoke model, that is, each spoke
We also assume that the fee of a Bitcoin transaction is correlated to the urgency of the transaction, that is, at any moment in time there is a fixed fee that will guarantee with high probability that the transaction appears in the next block. A smaller fee will guarantee that the transaction will appear in the next 6 block, and so on. We also assume that the cost of keeping a channel that is always available for sending or receiving, is a monotone decreasing function of the cost of rebalancing the channel.
Maypoles is built on top of a network with a hub and spoke topology. In Maypoles, each spoke opens two channels instead of one. From the spoke’s viewpoint, it opens a main channel to a hub of their choice. The hub then recommends a hub for the spoke to open their secondary channel to.
To recommend a secondary channel to each spoke, every hub does the following protocol (independently of the other hubs)
Notify the hubs that they are chosen, and add any hub that chose you to the list
Break the spokes into
Instruct the spokes in set
Notice that there is a symmetry between choosing a hub in step (2) and being chosen by a hub in step (3), that is, there are secondary channels between the spokes of hubs
If the hub
For example, in cases of failure in the network, different nodes can use this connection to route their transactions. Spokes can also choose to use this connection to enhance their privacy by occasionally using the secondary channel to transact. The main theorem concerning the network topology shows that Maypoles guarantees various network properties. Simulations based on the current LN show that these improvements out perform the theoretical guarantees in the average case. Further details are given in Section 3.
We also make sure that the spokes do not lose money when opening the secondary channel. As the cost of the LN channel strongly depends on the cost of on-chain transactions, we can use the fact that delayed on-chain transaction have lower fees for the benefit of the spokes. Further details are given in Section 4.
The topology of channels in the LN has a crucial effect on the stability, security, and privacy of the network. There are several graph theoretical properties that are of interest when we are considering the topology of the LN. We start by giving an overview of these properties in the context of the LN.
We say that a network is connected if for every pair of nodes there is a path of edges between them. We say that a network is
Node and edge connectivity are a way to measure the network’s stability. High connectivity in the LN ensures that even if several nodes or channels malfunction, the other nodes can continue to transact with each other. See Figure 1 for an example.
Furthermore, high connectivity ensures the existence of many disjoint paths going between different nodes in the network. This helps both stability and privacy. For example, if Alice and Zoe don’t have a channel between them, and occasionally transact, the nodes along the path that they use can gain information about their transaction habits (see [3] for further details). Having many disjoint paths to choose from helps secure the privacy of both Alice and Zoe by making it significantly more difficult to collect information.
The distance between two nodes is the length of the shortest path connecting them in the network. The diameter of a graph is the maximum distance between two nodes in the graph. The diameter gives us an upper bound on the distance between nodes, which guarantees the existence of a short path between any pair.
Long paths are a problem in the LN for two reasons. First, any node along the path charges a fee, making the use of long routs expensive. Second, as channels might malfunction or fail to accommodate transactions, each extra channel in the path adds a non-negligible probability of failure.
Currently, the fees in the LN are rather small, but the failure rates are high. Routes mostly fail due to insufficient funds in one of the channels, although nodes going offline and other problems are also an issue. For the payment to go through, we cannot allow even a single failure along the route. This means that the probability of failure grows exponentially with the length of the route. Figure 4 shows how the route successes probability diminishes as the length of the route grows.
A short diameter offers an upper bound on the failure probability for a transaction sent between any pair of nodes. This probability is an important parameter for the usability of the LN.
A network having high expansion means that any set of nodes has many edges connecting it to the rest of the network. In the LN, having good expansion will ensure that any set of nodes has many channels connecting the set to the other nodes in the network. Having high expansion guarantees many helpful properties. For example, high expansion guarantees that breaking the network into two large components that cannot transact with each other requires removing a very large number of edges (see [4]). This makes a large scale attack extremely difficult to accomplish.
High expansion also guarantees that the network is not centralized around a small set of nodes. This is of particular importance in the LN, as the decentralization helps privacy, censorship resistance and stability.
The betweenness centrality of a node
To make sure that nodes do not that take up a disproportional part of the flow in the network, we look at the values of the betweenness centrality of all the nodes in the network, and take the standard deviation of these values. The smaller the standard deviation is, the better, as this points to the decentralization of the network. As this is a difficult parameter to study formally, we will focus on it only in the simulation part.
The hub and spoke topology cannot guarantee good network parameters. By adding channels as prescribed in Maypoles, we can ensure the network’s health. In the next section, we give formal definitions of the above properties, state and prove the main theorem that shows Maypoles indeed improves the topology without making any assumption on the underlying LN. Then we present the results of several simulations where we study the Maypoles protocol over a snapshot of the LN and consider several variations to the protocol.
The theorem we state and prove in this section shows the benefits of Maypoles to the network structure. Before stating and proving our theorem, we need to give formal definitions for the LN under Maypoles and for the desired network properties.
In Maypoles, if a hub, say
Definition 3.1 (Secondary Network). The Maypoles protocol with a fixed constant
When considering the influence of Maypoles on the LN, we think of a new network created by adding the edges of
To understand how the addition of
Definition 3.2. Let
Diameter For
Expansion For a set of nodes
The edge expansion of
Theorem 3.3. Let
Note that the theorem does not assume anything about the underlying LN graph, and only shows properties of
In the previous section, we have focused on theoretical results that allowed us to give bounds on properties guaranteed by the Maypoles protocol, regardless of the structure of the underlying LN. In this section, we simulate the effect of Maypoles on the current topology of the LN. We also discuss and simulate some variations of the Maypoles protocol and their effect on network properties. To simulate Maypoles and its variation, we have used the LN snapshot from [5]. The code of the simulation can be found in [6].
In addition to studying the regular Maypoles protocol, we have also considered the following variations. In the first one, when a hub chooses
In the second variation, some hubs do not cooperate, that is, these hubs do not instruct their spokes to open secondary channels. It could easily happen that a hub would signal that it is interested in taking part in Maypoles, and then fail to perform the protocol. In many cases, hubs are interested in a change, yet will take a very long time before adopting it in practice. To simulate this, each hub chooses whether to cooperate or not by flipping a coin with some fixed success probability. Hubs do not know which hubs cooperate and which don’t, and so a cooperating hub might instruct its spokes to connect to a non-cooperating hub. This will help the non-cooperating hubs, but not as much as performing the protocol.
We examine Maypoles and the above variations through two parameters. The first is the edge connectivity of the network. This will tell us both how resilient is the network to failures and attacks, and will show us the number of different routes available between pairs of nodes. If hubs deviate from the uniform choice by preferring some hubs, we expect to see similar results to the uniform case, as there is a variety of edges added for every hub. Because connectivity is very sensitive to local changes, we expect a significant change if a large proportion of hubs do not cooperate.
The second parameter we want to examine is the betweenness centrality in the network. Most nodes in the LN will choose to route through the shortest path available. In any connected network, for any pair of nodes
To be more precise, the cases we have simulated are the following. For each hub in the Network:
Uniform The hub chooses
Preferred Hubs Let
For all of the above we have simulated values of
Figure 3 shows the edge connectivity of the LN as a function of
When comparing Uniform to the other variations in Figure 5, we see that, as expected, nodes that do not cooperate bring the connectivity down. This is particularly significant when the failure probability is
Figure 6 shows the standard deviation of the betweenness centrality as a function of
Similarly to the previous figure, the Uniform choice gives the best results, Preferred Hubs and
In Maypoles, spoke open two channels instead of one. Even if it benefits the network, we cannot expect the spokes to do this without proper economic incentive. In this section, we show that by opening channels as prescribed in Maypoles, the spokes save on the costs of continuously transacting over the LN. The savings are due to the dynamics of fees in Bitcoin.
A basic demand from any type of payment system is that it will be always available, that is, at any moment in time the user can send funds that they own and receive funds from other users. Looking at the LN as a mean of payment for spokes, we assume that a spoke in LN needs to always be able to send or receive transactions
In this section we examine the cost of having a channel that is always balanced, that is, always available for sending or receiving transactions. We call such a channel a high availability channel (HAC). We show that following Maypoles allows spokes to have an HAC for a lower cost than trying to have an HAC without Maypoles. The reason that Maypoles is cheaper is that a large part of the cost of an HAC is the on-chain rebalancing fees. When maintaining and using a channel over long periods of time, one must occasionally rebalance by moving funds on the blockchain. Maypoles allows paying smaller fees every time we need to perform such a rebalance, without suffering any downtime.
To gain some intuition, we start with an example. Assume that Alice sells T-shirts online and accepts payments over the LN. Any downtime in which the channel cannot receive payments can result in loss of revenue. Thus, Alice wants a HAC. If Alice has a single channel, when her channel gets depleted, that is, she cannot receive payments, she needs to rebalance. As she has a single channel, any rebalancing option includes an on-chain transaction, and so the main cost will be the transaction fee.
One option is sending the rebalancing transaction with a fee that guarantees it will go through as quickly as possible. This will be expensive, as the waiting time for the transaction to be included strongly depends on the fee. Another option is trying to rebalance in advance, yet this is not cheap either, as it entails locking in the LN large sums (either Alice’s or the hub’s) and often opening parallel channels to the same hub. Both of these are expensive and in some cases hubs will not allow5 the spoke to do so.
On the other hand, if Alice’s node is a spoke in Maypoles she has two channels, main and secondary. The main channel is the one that she mostly uses to receive payments, and so it is an HAC. Alice’s secondary channel is used to rebalance the main channel, that is, when the main channel is depleted Alice uses the secondary channel to rebalance it (see Figure 7 for an illustration). As this rebalance happens on the LN, it is immediate, and the fees are negligible. When the secondary channel needs to be rebalanced, this entails an on-chain transaction. When rebalancing the secondary channel, Alice can wait for a long time for the rebalancing transaction to go through, as her main channel is still open. By allowing longer waiting times when rebalancing, Alice pays a smaller fee. Because of the difference in the rebalancing fees, the cost of maintaining an HAC over Maypoles is smaller than the cost of a single channel as an HAC.
In the next sections we define a general setting for channel costs, prove the benefits for the spokes, and finally give some numeric examples.
The cost of maintaining an HAC has two main parts. The first part is the fees paid each time the channel needs to be rebalanced. The second part is the opportunity loss of the bitcoin locked in the channel. On the one hand, if there is a large amount of bitcoin locked in the channel, we will rarely need to rebalance it, but the opportunity loss is significant. On the other hand, if the amount locked in the channel is a small, so is the opportunity loss, but we need to rebalance the channel often. As the amount of bitcoin locked in the channel can be chosen by the nodes opening it, they can optimize the amount to get a minimal channel cost. As for the rebalancing fee, the smaller it is, the smaller the cost of the channel.
Formally, denote by
In the LN, and similar solutions, there are two main ways to rebalance the channel. The first one is moving funds from a different channel owned by the same node (see [7] for further details), the second one is performing an on-chain transaction. The LN fees are negligible in comparison to the on-chain fees, and so we may focus on the cost arising from the need to move funds on-chain.
If a node mostly pays on the LN, it will need to move funds from the blockchain to the network regularly, as the funds in all of its channels will run out. Similarly, if a node mostly gets paid, it will need to move funds back to the blockchain to allow for incoming transactions. It is rare that a node sends and receives at exactly the same rate, yet even in this case from time to time the node’s funds will be depleted and there will be need for an on-chain transaction to rebalance. See [8] for further details.
Rebalancing through the blockchain entails transaction fees. As there is an ongoing auction for space on the blockchain, a high fee will get the transaction into the blockchain quickly, while a transaction with a lower fee might wait for hours or days. If a node is not in hurry, it can take advantage of this fact, and send transactions with a lower fee (see [9] for further details). In Figure 8 we show the ratio between the estimated fee for a transaction to be included in 6 blocks versus the next block, between April 2021 and April 2022 as presented in [10]. Waiting 6 blocks cuts the transaction fee by half in most cases. We believe that waiting even longer would allow for even lower fees.
To show that there is a financial motivation for spokes that wish to have an HAC, we need to show that by choosing correctly the sizes of the main and secondary channels in Maypoles, the cost of having an HAC with Maypoles is cheaper in expectation than the cost of a single channel HAC. With a single channel, if one wishes it to have high availability, one needs to either open a new channel before the old one is depleted, thus forgoing interest for large sums in the LN, or to pay high transaction fees. Maypoles avoids this problem and saves on rebalancing costs.
A spoke in Maypoles will hold in its main channel an amount which allows for a few days worth of transactions. The secondary channel would be of size optimized for a minimal cost. The spoke can make sure that the main channel always has liquidity, by moving liquidity from the secondary channel. The move of liquidity from the secondary channel to the main channel is done through a short cycle in the LN, as shown in Figure 7, and so has a negligible cost.
The spoke can wait a long time before rebalancing the secondary channel, as it is only used to rebalance the main channel. Thus, even if this is done by an on-chain transaction, this can be done at a significantly lower cost.
In the following theorem, we show that a spoke’s HAC will be cheaper in Maypoles than in the single channel case, if the spoke chooses the sizes of the main and secondary channels correctly. The savings are due to the difference in the on-chain transaction fees. We define an immediate transaction to be a transaction offering a fee high enough for it to be in the next block, and a delayed transaction to be a transaction offering a fee high enough for it to appear in the next 6 blocks. The choice of 6 blocks is rather arbitrary and can be a few days worth of waiting, as shown in examples in Section 4.3.
Theorem 4.1. Let
Proof. Let
that is, the cost of the two Maypoles channels is smaller than the cost of a single regular channel.
An important observation is that the benefits for a spoke do not depend on the hubs’ cooperation. Although rebalancing the spoke’s main channel is easier and cheaper if there is a short cycle for the spoke to use, the spoke can make do by finding a path between the two hubs it is connected to. Another solution for the spoke is opening both channels to the same hub, yet this forgoes any privacy benefit and not all hubs allow it.
We finish this section by giving some numeric examples based on the cost functions derived in [8], to show that this indeed works with real world numbers.
Assume that nodes
Theorem 4.2 ([8]). In the limit of
Assume that a spoke spends
As for the two channel case, assume that in the main channel we deposit
From this, we see that the user is expected to save
In Figure 9 we examine the amount saved by opening two Maypoles channels instead of one regular channel for various transaction rates and ratios between transaction fees. Define
This work builds upon previous research on network theory, random graphs, and the economy of the LN. This is the first protocol that offers to use the economic incentives in the LN to improve its topology. We give a short overview of results used in this paper, directly or indirectly.
The starting point of this paper is the fact that the LN has a hub and spoke topology, and that it is not expected to change. This has been shown in several studies, both empirical (e.g., [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17]) and theoretical (e.g., [18], [19], [20]).
It is particularly important to note the studies that point to weaknesses of the network due to its tendency towards the hub and spoke model. See for example [21], [22], [23] and to some extent also [24]. Although some of this works offer local remedies for specific attacks, the hub and spoke topology is fragile by nature, and so in Maypoles we aim to change the topology itself and thus resolve many of the potential problems shown in these papers.
The health of networks is a well studied subject, and there are many works from which we can draw properties we want our network to exhibit. These works can be both theoretical (e.g., [25], [26], [27]), and as practical as network manuals (e.g., [28]). As the LN is decentralized and arises from economic needs, we cannot expect the healthy topologies described in the aforementioned works to appear on their own. To guarantee a good network topology, we need to push the network towards it.
To prove the compatibility with node’s economic incentives, we use the results in [9] that show the correlation between waiting times and transaction fees. When going into concrete examples, we use [8] where the authors study closely the cost of lightning channels, together with other questions. This work has only considered the LN on the scope of a channel, we use it to examine how local economic incentives can be used to better the network in general.
In this work, we have introduced and studied the Maypoles protocol, which improves payment channel networks that have a hub and spoke topology, such as the Lightning Network. We have shown that Maypoles increases the network stability, privacy, and resilience to attacks. Going over several parameters that measure the health of a network, we have shown that both in theory and in practice, Maypoles improves them significantly.
We have also shown that by correctly choosing the channel sizes, the spokes can save on costs of maintaining a channel that is always available for sending and receiving transactions The savings are due to the correlation between transaction fee over Bitcoin and the urgency of the transaction. This can motivate spokes to participate in the Maypoles protocol. By taking into account the economic incentives, we made sure to create a win-win situation between individual nodes and the network as a whole.
The framework created here can be used to examine other variation of decentralized changes to the topology. In Section 3.3 we have discussed a few variations on the Maypoles protocol and simulated their performance. In the future, it could be interesting to examine other variations tailored to the specific challenges of different networks.
It could also be interesting to examine the addition of channels to other topologies, such as scale-free graphs (see, e.g, [29]). In such networks, there won’t be a clear-cut difference between "large" nodes, like hubs, and "small" ones, like spokes. This might prove to be more useful for the study of some payment channel networks, especially as they grow.
Another interesting direction to look into is encouraging nodes to open more than one channel. In Maypoles, we give economic incentive for opening two channels. It would be better if the number of channels would be even greater. Opening more than two channels as described in Maypoles will not offer significant savings. It could be that there is another scheme which can motivate spokes to have many channels.
The LN is a very young project with many changes and upgrades happening. For example, Multi-Path Payment is a solution that allows splitting a single payment into several smaller payments and sending the smaller payments along different routes. The ability to do so can motivate nodes to open several channels for better privacy and liquidity management. Studying how to better utilize this and other developments for the health of the network would be of great importance to the development of the LN.
A channel in the LN is opened between two parties. Both parties lock a sum in the channel by signing an on-chain Bitcoin transaction. Once the channel is open, they can transact between themselves by changing the ownership over parts of the locked funds.
For example, assume that Alice regularly buys coffee from Bob. They open a channel where Alice locks 5 bitcoin that she is planning to pay Bob with. Bob is not locking any funds, as he does not expect to pay Alice.
The first time Alice buys coffee, she wants to transfer 1 bitcoin to Bob, and so they change the state of the channel to Alice having 4 bitcoin and Bob having 1 (see Figure 10). They can continue transacting if the channel’s funds allow it, and Bob can also send bitcoin to Alice if needed.
If there is also a channel between Bob and Carol, Alice can transact with Carol without opening a new channel to her. She can pay Carol through Bob, if Bob agrees to cooperate. Bob can charge a fee for the service he is providing to Alice and Carol. To pay Carol 1 bitcoin, Alice sends 1 bitcoin to Bob, who then sends 1 Bitcoin to Carol. See Figure 11 for this example.
The last example we want to consider is when Alice has channels both to Bob and to Carol, and Bob and Carol have their own channel. Assume Alice and Bob’s channel is depleted, that is, Bob owns all the bitcoin, and assume that Alice still has funds in her channel with Carol. Then Alice can refund her channel with Bob by moving some funds from the Alice and Carol channel to the Alice and Bob channel. Bob and Carol must agree to this, and the channel their channel must have sufficient funds.
For example, if Alice wants to send 1 bitcoin from her channel with Carol to her channel with Bob, she will do this by using Carol and Bob’s channel. To be more precise, Alice sends herself 1 Bitcoin through Carol and Bob. In the channel of Alice and Carol, Alice sends 1 Bitcoin to Carol. In the channel of Carol and Bob, Carol sends 1 bitcoin to Bob. In the Channel of Bob and Alice, Bob sends 1 bitcoin to Alice. Each one has the same amount in the beginning and the end, only the distribution between the channels changed. See Figure 12 for an illustration.
Note that this is cryptographically guaranteed to ensure that no harm can come to any party. If Alice pays Bob, she cannot later claim that the transaction did not happen, and if Bob and Carol agree to facilitate the transaction, they cannot disappear with the funds and not commit their part of the deal. The full details can be found in [1] and in several blog posts, such as [30].
A key part of the proof of Theorem 3.3 is the observation that the Maypoles protocol gives raise to a
Definition B.1 (
For each
For each
Remove double edges and self-loops
The resulting graph is called a
The proof of the main theorem builds upon the observation that
Lemma B.2. Let
Proof. We split the proof into two cases. We first focus on the more complicated case where
To show that w.h.p.
For each
Thus the expected number of edges of type 1 is
Similarly, the expected number of edges of type 2 is
Thus, the expected number of edges with one node in
To show that
Theorem (Chebyshev’s inequality) For any random variable
The variance of the random variable
Notice that
It is left to show that
Thus we have that w.h.p.
where Inequality (1) holds as
As for the case where
The probability that all the nodes in
From the above, if
It is left to show that
From this, we get that the expected number of double edges is at most
By Markov’s inequality we have that
and so w.h.p. we have that
Plugging the above into Equation (2), we get that w.h.p.
and this completes the proof. ◻
Lemma 8. Let
Proof. For any
We are now ready to prove Theorem 3.3.
Proof of Theorem 3.3. The key observation we need is that
Items 1 and 2 are obtained by the above observation and the following result of Frieze.
Theorem[[32], Theorem 17.2] Let
Item 3 is a direct consequence of the above observation and of Lemma 7 that shows that