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Empirical Measurements on Pricing Oracles and Decentralized Governance for Stablecoins

Published onOct 22, 2021
Empirical Measurements on Pricing Oracles and Decentralized Governance for Stablecoins


Stablecoins are designed to address the volatility of crypto assets by maintaining a peg to a non-volatile currency such as the US Dollar. Decentralized Stablecoins that maintain their collateral on-chain need a pricing oracle to determine the current market value of the collateral. They also employ a decentralized governance system to make policy changes. In this paper, we analyze the inner-workings of the pricing oracle and the decentralized governance mechanism employed in the MakerDAO stablecoin, one of the largest and fully developed on-chain stablecoins. We study the accuracy of the pricing oracle over time, as well as disagreements between pricing reports received by MakerDAO. We also study the robustness of the decentralized governance system. This work sheds detailed light on the practical operation of a pricing oracle and a decentralized governance mechanism in a large deployed system. We make a number of recommendations for improvements based on our findings. 


There are an estimated 200 stablecoin projects in 2019 [1]. Stablecoins are crypto-native assets that are stable in value. Contrary to the well-known volatile nature of Bitcoin and Ethereum, stablecoins maintain a stable rate of exchange, usually in relation to some fiat currency such as the US Dollar. There are, broadly speaking, two types of stablecoins: ones that are collateralized off-chain by fiat currencies, such as Tether (USDT), and ones that are collateralized on-chain by crypto assets, such as MakerDAO. An algorithm governing a stablecoin achieves stability by regulating the supply through buying and selling the stablecoin against its collateral assets. 

A key component in the design of a stablecoin is a pricing oracle that aggregates data from external sources and posts them on the blockchain. The goal of the pricing oracle is to approximate the market value of the underlying collateral assets as accurately as possible in real-time. It is common practice for the system to select a set of price reporting feeds, which may be crypto exchanges, over-the-counter market makers, or traders, and task them with providing price update of the corresponding collateral asset at regular intervals. Designing an incentive-compatible mechanism to ensure truthful price reporting is critical to the long-term value of the network. 

A poorly designed price-reporting system can be exploited by malicious attackers. Indeed, on June 25, 2019, there was an oracle attack incident on the Synthetix Network Tokens (SNX). The system had only two commercial APIs at the time serving as price feeds for its forex product, sKRW, and one of the APIs started to intermittently report a corrupted price that was inflated by 1000x [2]. The incident lasted an hour and because the Synthetix protocol computes the average value of the feed reports and sends the output to the exchange rate contract, the contract for sKRW reported a corrupted reference price from which a sophisticated trading bot profited approximately $37 million USD from the price arbitrage [3]. Interested readers can find further oracle exploits in more recent history such as the bZx attack in February 2020 [4]

Another important component of a stablecoin is a governance system which is used to update internal stablecoin policies. If the governance system is not properly decentralized, adversarial entities could use their voting power to create a 51% attack and hijack the system. In the context of stablecoins, an attack like this could involve depegging the currency to create a forged arbitrage opportunity, for example, by accepting an invalid price report from an untrusted data source. It could also result in theft of part of the collateral maintained on-chain by the system. A governance attack will have significant implication on the security of the protocol overall, and may directly impact the stability of the stable token. Designing a robust incentive-compatible governance scheme can help mitigate these risks. 

In this paper, we examine the pricing oracle and the governance system in the MakerDAO protocol. We choose MakerDAO as our prime focus of study because the system facilitates one of the largest and most well developed decentralized lending platforms to date [5]. Studying the MakerDAO oracle helps shed detailed light on the practical operation of a pricing oracle and a decentralized governance mechanism in a large deployed system. The Maker team launched its stablecoin Dai, an ERC20 token, initially as an on-chain single-collateral stablecoin at the end of 2017. In the original V1 version, Dai is collateralized solely by Ethereum (ETH) and is supported by an oracle system that aggregates ETH-USD pricing data from 14 sources. Since November 2019, MakerDAO V2 has expanded the network to a multi-collateral system and to a larger set of oracle data sources. Thus, by studying MakerDAO we are able to explore a mature on-chain stablecoin protocol over a long time history. We are also able to examine the system improvements introduced in V2 that attempt to address some of the key challenges that many decentralized oracle designs face today. 

Summary of our results

We begin in Section 2 with a survey of the oracle governance introduced by a number of stablecoin and decentralized projects, focusing in more detail on MakerDAO. In Section 3, using historical data based on the single-collateral system, we present our analysis of the accuracy and reliability of the MakerDAO pricing oracle. We show that at certain times the oracle can deviate from the true ETH-USD price by as much as 17%. Similarly, there can be disagreements between the data sources, and there are periods when the oracle uses mostly stale data to compute its price estimate. Lastly, we examine the empirical data in more recent periods since MakerDAO V2 has been introduced, in particular taking into account of the more recent market events. We show that the improved oracle design has successfully addressed the problem of staleness. Further, the improved oracle design has been relatively resilient and fully operational in the face of extreme market volatility. In Section 4 we look at alternative designs for the oracle aggregation algorithm, and compare their performance to MakerDAO’s algorithm. We also provide a statistical approach for detecting misbehaving oracles. Finally, in Section 5 we examine the level of participation and robustness of MakerDAO’s governance system. We find that the system may suffer from low voter turnout, but the efforts Maker has made in V2 towards decentralizing their governance has meant that attacks are costly and more challenging than before. Overall, while the MakerDAO oracle and governance systems are well designed, we make a few recommendations for improvements. 


An oracle is a mechanism to aggregate and broadcast data from external off-chain sources onto the blockchain. For a stablecoin, the oracle is used to approximate the fair value of the underlying collateral asset in order to guarantee collateralization and thereby the stability of the stablecoin through time. Below, we review a number of stablecoin projects with differing oracle reporting mechanisms. We also examine a few notable pricing oracle designs used in other decentralized applications. We then dive more deeply into MakerDAO. 

Reserve Protocol

A decentralized stablecoin system with on-chain collateral backing that has not yet launched. In its white paper [6], the protocol describes The Market Feed for which a collection of off-chain, trusted Reporters are chosen to periodically fetch market data that summarizes the last 30 minutes of trading from each major exchange on which an asset trades, including information on volume, volatility, and average price, and sends the results back to the on-chain Record Book. The protocol then calculates a volume-and-time weighted average of prices across trades, known as the 30-minute fast average. The Reserve team states in their white paper that at launch, it plans to rely on reporters that the Reserve team has built itself, and only over time will the protocol shift to a decentralized oracle. 


A stablecoin project designed for decentralized finance launched in April 2019. The protocol [7] relies on the miners to report and validate the oracle prices through a weighted median voting mechanism scheme. Miners submit a vote for what they believe is the current exchange rate of the collateral asset, and for a sequence of n blocks, for some n, the vote is tallied by taking the weighted median as the true rate. The mechanism rewards those whose votes are within one standard deviation of the elected median and slashes the stakes of those whose votes are outside the range. Staking schemes such as this may encourage large miners to collude and rig the price. The Terra protocol reduces the potential threat by setting time-locks to the reward: since miners are a subset of users with strong vested interest in the system, misbehavior will damage the system, but the potential rewards gained from cheating will be reduced because of the time-locks. 


A proposal by Vitalik Buterin for creating a minimal-trusted universal data feed [8]. For the consensus protocol in SchellingCoin, truth reporting should be the most powerful consensus, known as the Schelling point. The concept was first pioneered in 1960 by Thomas Schelling, a Nobel laureate in Economics, in his seminal book The Strategy of Conflict. It describes coordinating behavior in game theory for players to converge on some focal point in the absence of communication. The SchellingCoin protocol describes a cryptographic scheme for which all users can act as price feeders. In each block, every user submits a cryptographic commitment to an individually reported price along with that user’s address. In the next block, users open their commitments and submit the committed prices from the last round. Users whose submitted values lie between the 25th and 75th percentile are rewarded according to their prices. The consensus price should be close to the true price because the best strategy for each user is to report the correct value, given the incentive structure. However, the protocol is vulnerable to collusion attacks, where a large enough coalition might deviate from the Schelling point. A study by Crawford et al. [9] suggests that this method may fail to obtain the correct price in case of asymmetric payoffs. For example, bribery or a credible promise of bribery, may cause users to deviate from an honest strategy and break the Schelling point [10]


A decentralized oracle and a platform for prediction markets launched in August 2018. The Augur oracle [11] uses the idea of Schelling point, and specifies a price reporting mechanism and a dispute mechanism. For any prediction market that has been created, the market creator stakes and designates a reporter to submit a report within a pre-defined time window. The reporter is incentivized to report the truthful outcome: it is rewarded if the report is consistent with consensus, and penalized otherwise. During the subsequent dispute round, any holders of Augur’s native token REP can challenge the report by staking REP holdings. Successful disputes on false outcomes are rewarded with a fixed return; unsuccessful disputes will return the stakes to the original owners. 

A decentralized oracle network launched in May 2019. The protocol combines an on chain architecture that is composed of three contracts [12]—reputation contract, order-matching contract, and aggregating contract—with off-chain data reporting mechanism. The on-chain reputation contract tracks the performances of all oracle service providers. A requester proposes a new service level agreement (SLA) who can choose a preliminary set of potential oracle providers based on their reputation. The SLA is submitted to an order-matching contract for the oracle providers to bid on the proposal. Bidding requires the providers to be committed, by staking an amount that will be slashed in the case of misbehavior. Once the set of oracle providers have been selected, they execute the SLA off-chain and report back the outcomes on-chain through the aggregating contract, which computes the final output and updates the reputation metrics. However, the protocol does not specify any particular aggregation method, because depending on the type of data input, the protocol would like to customize the aggregation method accordingly. Thus, methods including majority voting or weighted averaging can all be applied on-chain. In the medium to long run [12], ChainLink would like to migrate the computation step of aggregation off-chain to reduce cost and latency. 


A platform for decentralized financial contracts that has not yet been launched. The protocol describes a Data Verification Mechanism (DVM) [13] that focuses on verifying the accuracy of off-chain price reports being brought on-chain. Similar to Augur, UMA resolves disputes through a Schelling point voting system where voters with tradable voting tokens can participate. Those who voted on the correct dispute outcome are rewarded while others are penalized. For an adversary to manipulate the voting outcome, it must control some minimum threshold of votes. Given the unit price of each vote—a variable that can be controlled by the protocol—the Cost of Corruption (CoC) can be calculated. UMA also requires that all contracts be registered with the DVM, recording the monetary worth of each contract if an outcome was to be realized. The total value of all contracts in the system reflects the Profit from Corruption (PfC). Thus, if the cost of an attack (CoC) falls, the protocol will levy a fee on all contracts pro rata to purchase and burn voting tokens and push the price of vote up, ensuring that CoC > PfC, to maintain system security. 

2.1 MakerDAO V1 

MakerDAO V1 was launched at the end of 2017. MakerDAO is a collection of contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, with the goal of providing decentralized financing on-chain. Dai is Maker’s stablecoin. To mint new Dai, in the initial V1, individuals must open Collateral Debt Positions (CDPs) to deposit and lock away Ethereum (ETH), and receive Dai in return. There is a minimum required collateralization ratio that the CDPs must maintain in order to avoid liquidation. The ratio is currently set at 150%, i.e., a CDP position with $100 Dai minted requires a minimum of $150 worth of ETH deposited. Given that the collateral asset for Dai is ETH, the Maker oracle needs to update the ETH-USD exchange rate in real-time to properly enforce the collateralization ratio. The ETH-USD exchange rate is known as the reference price, and the Maker’s Medianizer smart contract [14] computes this price. 

Maker has whitelisted 14 price feed contracts who can post price updates to the oracle. The source of each price feed is anonymous, but each feed is chosen as independent operator to “monitor the reference price across a number of external sources.” However, neither the contract nor MakerDAO’s blog posts have clarified the type of price feeds that are collected, for instance whether the feeds are the mid, the minimum, or the maximum price observed in any given hour. The price feeds also do not provide transactional volume information. 

The Medianizer algorithm

To update the ETH-USD price, a whitelisted price feed contract calls the post function on the PriceFeed contract with arguments value, valid until, Medianizer addr, where: 

value is the claimed current ETH-USD price; 

valid until is a datetime that indicates when the posted value expires; — Medianizer addr is the contract address of the Medianizer. 

Every call to post() results in a call to the Medianizer’s compute() function to update the ETH-USD reference price. The compute() function aggregates all currently valid posted values from the 14 price feeds, and computes their median. In other words, a value submitted by a price feed contract will be used in the median calculation until time valid until. We call this method forward fill, since if a price feed has not posted a new price, the Medianizer will use the older price to fill the value for the current time, as long as the previously posted price has not expired. The complete algorithm used to compute the ETH-USD price is shown in Table 1

The Maker Feeds website states that the oracle sets a limit of six hours on valid until. However this limit is not enforced in code. As we will see, the six-hour limit has not been followed by several price feeds who post values with a valid until that is 12 hours in the future.

Table 1: MakerDAO V1 Medianizer algorithm

2.2 MakerDAO V2 

Maker recently announced the V2 multi-collateral system and this added more sources of price feeds [15]. The additions include a set of partners, whose public identities are disclosed: 0x, dYdX, Set Protocol, and Gnosis. The Maker team also introduced a new Oracle Module logic, designed to better incentivize active and honest price reporting behavior. An Oracle Module is built for each collateral asset, which contains two core components: the Median contract and the Oracle Security Module (OSM) contract [16]. Whitelisted price feeders can broadcast price updates off-chain, which are then aggregated on-chain by calling the Median contract. The median price value is then pulled into the OSM contract. The logic for processing price feeds is primarily in the Median contract. We describe below how it works, highlighting some of the new features. 

Median contract

To update the reference price of any given collateral asset, a whitelist of price feeders are chosen by governance through permissioning logic. To update the reference price for a collateral asset (e.g., ETH), an off-chain relay server collects and sorts information from the whitelisted price feeds. The relayer then calls the poke function on the Median contract [17] with arguments val_ , age_, and (v, r, s), where: 

  • val_ is a sorted array of price feeds, one entry from each price feeder; 

  • age_ is an array of ages for each price feed in the val_ array (the age of a price feed is the block timestamp at the time that the reference price for the asset was measured); 

  • (v, r, s) is an array of signatures: entry number i in this array is a signature by price feeder number i on the triplet (val [i], age [i], AssetType), where AssetType is a fixed string such as ‘ETHUSD.’ 

The poke function attempts to update the reference price of the collateral asset. It uses an internal value bar that is the size of the quorum required for the median price to be updated. Thus, a key feature in the V2 Median contract is that the median is only updated if there are at least bar unique signed price feeds provided to the off-chain relay server since the last median update. The relayer will then sort and select information to be passed to the on-chain contract. The value of bar is set through governance, and is currently set at thirteen. There are four collateral assets supporting the multi-collateral Dai: Ethereum, Basic Attention Token (BAT), USDC, and WBTC. 

The poke function rejects the submission, unless the following conditions hold:

  • the length of the val_ array is exactly bar, i.e., the contract currently requires bar price reports submitted by the relayer, no more and no less; 

  • the val_ array is sorted in ascending order and contains only positive values;

for each price report, the contract requires that: 

  • the signature (v,r,s) on the corresponding value and age inputs is a valid signature;

  • the signer is permissioned (i.e., only price reports from authorized reporters are accepted);

  • the signer signed only one entry in the provided array (i.e., all thirteen price reports are from different signers); 

  • the age of the price report is less than the age of the last median update (no stale pricing);

If all the checks above pass, poke sets the updated asset price to be the median of the reported prices, which is the middle value of the val_ array. It also records the current block timestamp. 

Based on the above set of requirements, the Median contract successfully prevents the use of stale prices by requiring bar-number of prices to be updated in order to compute the latest median. However, unlike Augur or UMA that leverage the idea of Schelling point for incentive mechanism design, there is no direct reward for accurate reporting nor punishment for inaccurate reporting in MakerDAO’s Oracle Module. Moreover, if more than bar fresh price reports are available, the current implementation will not fully utilize all the information. This represents a potential attack vector since the caller to the contract is the off-chain relayer, it chooses a set of exactly bar of price feeds to be submitted, and ignores any remaining fresh reports. For improvement, we recommend the requirement condition for the size of quorum in the code to be set as greater than or equal to bar as opposed to be exactly equal to bar, in order to mitigate the impact of potential off-chain manipulation that cannot be observed by the Oracle directly. 

The MakerDAO V2 Oracle Module was only created recently, and there are currently circa 3 000 on-chain transactions issued to it [18][19]. There is considerably more data for the MakerDAO V1 oracle contract. Therefore, in the next section we will primarily analyze the price feeder data sent to the MakerDAO V1 contract. We will then share the latest empirical update based on the MakerDAO V2 oracle contract. 


Dai was officially launched on December 18, 2017. We downloaded event logs and historical external price feeds posted to the Medianizer contract by the whitelisted addresses for the period of October 17, 2017 to May 17, 2019, by calling The Etherscan Ethereum Developer APIs [20]

Using the historical price feed data, we examine three types of anomalies, of which we are interested in the magnitude and their frequency: 

  • External disagreement: time slices during when there is a disagreement between the price feeds and a publicly reported ETH-USD reference price; 

  • Internal disagreement: time slices during when there is a large deviation between the reported price feeds from the 14 price feeders; and 

  • Stale data: time slices during when the reference price is computed from data that is several hours old, potentially causing the value to deviate from the truth. We also look at times when many price feeds are expired, making it easier for a small number of feeders to manipulate the price. 

The fact that internal and external disagreements exist is not too surprising. Truthful price feeders may report extreme values from time to time due to idiosyncratic conditions, such as local market liquidity, the size of the order book, and transaction costs. Unlike Terra, Maker does not punish feeders who report extreme values. Nevertheless, understanding the magnitude and the frequency of these events sheds detailed light on the inner working of the pricing oracle. 

3.1. External disagreements 

We begin by examining points in time when the price feeds disagree with a publicly reported ETH USD reference price. 

The CCCAGG index

As our benchmark for the ETH-USD reference price, we use a volume weighted average index from CryptoCompare, an independent platform that maintains the Crypto Coin Comparison Aggregated Index (CCCAGG) for a list of cryptocurrencies. CCCAGG aggregates transaction data from over 70 exchanges as price feeds to compute the volume-weighted averages. We chose the CCCAGG index because it contains a large number of price feeds and several dimensions of price information, including different price types (i.e., close, open, low, high) as well as volume information. We believe that CCCAGG index approximates a ground-truth value of the underlying asset with high accuracy. 

Periods of external disagreement

Figure 1a shows a histogram of the absolute differences between the MakerDAO Medianizer and the CCCAGG index. The histogram resolution is $10 and the graph is on a logarithmic scale. 

Figure 1a shows a strong agreement between the MakerDAO Medianizer and the CCCAGG index. For the majority of the hourly time slices the differences are small, varying on average by $3.33 with $4.79 standard deviation. 

However, a few points stand out at the extreme ends of the histogram. On those occasions we observed an extreme price divergence between the MakerDAO Medianizer and the CCCAGG bench mark. We examine three points in time that correspond to the largest deviations, and present the complete historical data for each of these events in Figure 1b. For completeness, the table also shows the age of every posted price from each of the 14 feeds at the time of the event. The age is the difference between the time of the event and the time that data was first posted by the feed. The age, rounded to an integer, is shown in parenthesis. 

  • The largest deviation occurred on 2018-02-02 05:00 where the price gap in ETH-USD was $153.73, representing a 17% divergence from the benchmark. At that time there were fourteen valid external price feeds, two of which were at least an hour old. All of them were quite far off from the CCCAGG benchmark. 

  • The second and the third largest divergences took place on 2018-01-10 19:00 and 2018-01-16 18:00, for which the price gaps were $67.89 and $59.84, respectively. Interestingly, nine out of fourteen valid price feeds collected for the second event were at least two hours old. Thus the price divergence from the benchmark could be the result of the oracle estimating the price based on stale data. It shows how the oracle can become inaccurate during a period of slow refresh and high market volatility. 

As a sanity check, we cross referenced the price of ETH-USD at all three times across several main crypto exchanges including Gemini and Coinbase, by calculating the mid of the high and the low prices observed on each of the exchanges for the given hour. The price quotes on these exchanges were consistent with the price computed by the CCCAGG index, as shown in Figure 1b

Figure 1: Differences between the MakerDAO Medianizer and the CCCAGG index.

3.2. Internal disagreements 

Next, we look at large disagreements between the 14 price feed contracts. We computed the median price of ETH-USD at each hour using only the fresh price feeds posted at that hour. We define deviation for each price feeder at time t as: 

feeder_dev(t)=price_feed(t)median(t)median(t)100feeder\_dev(t)=\frac{price\_feed(t)−median(t)}{median(t)} \cdot 100(1)

Figure 2a shows the distribution of each feeder’s deviation from the median through time. The y-axis shows the values obtained from Equation 1, computed for each feeder for all time values t in our dataset. The deviations from the median for all feeders are close to zero. This is expected if all feeders behave truthfully most of the time and there is no systematic deviation by any single feeder. 

Nevertheless, Feeders 7 and 8 exhibit the largest deviations from the median in price reporting. The standard deviation measuring their price deviations from the median is 0.75% and 0.71%, respectively. One may wonder whether the behavior of Feeders 7 and 8 is due to random fluctuations in price, or whether there is something different about how they compute the ETH-USD reference price. We will come back to this question in Section 4.1

The largest ever price deviation from the median by absolute percentage terms is committed by Feeder 8. In Figure 2b, we list the top five largest deviation events observed for Feeder 8, the largest being 15.23%. It demonstrates that the price values posted by Feeder 8 can be quite far from the computed median. The largest deviation from the median by Feeder 7 was similarly substantial, at 14.36%. Fortunately, these deviations only negligibly impacted the value of the median. 

Figure 2: Measuring large deviations among price feeders

3.3. Measuring stale and expired data 

Finally, we look at the frequency at which the price feeders provide fresh ETH-USD prices. Clearly, pricing data that is several hours old can lead to an incorrect oracle for the current ETH-USD price. Moreover, if data from a price feeder expires, that data is no longer used in the median calculation. If the number of active price feeds is small, say two or three, it becomes quite easy to manipulate the ETH-USD price estimate, as happened in the case of SNX mentioned in the introduction. In this section we look at data freshness and the number of active feeders in the historical record. 

Looking at the number of price feeds posted by each of the 14 price feeders shows that they all contributed about the same number of price reports over the measured time period. Feeders 6 and 8 were the most prolific, posting over 8 000 prices, while Feeder 14 was the least, posting under 4 000 prices. Interestingly, Feeder 8 was also the least accurate, as shown in Figure 1a. The main question we are interested in posing is how frequently did the Medianizer contract use stale data from the data feeders in computing the reference price. Figure 3 shows the time gap between consecutive postings for three feeders, Feeders 1, 11, and 14, chosen arbitrarily among the fourteen price feeders. The figure shows that there are about 500 time periods where the time gap from these feeders was over 10 hours old. The same is true for several of the other price feeders. Now that we see that the data for the price feeders can be several hours old, we next ask whether that can happen simultaneously across multiple price feeders. If so, then the estimated ETH-USD price computed by the Medianizer contract is effectively based on stale data, and is likely to be off in case of market volatility. 

Figure 3: Gaps between consecutive posts from Feeders 1, 11, and 14, respectively. The y-axis is the prevalence of a particular hourly gap.

Figure 4 examines simultaneous staleness. For example, the right-most chart in Figure 4 shows that there are many (about 100) time periods when the data from three price feeders is over ten hours old. The middle chart shows that there are many (about 100) time periods when the data from eight price feeders is over six hours old. The left most chart shows that there are almost 200 time periods when data from eight price feeders is over five hours old. Concretely, Figure 4 demonstrates that there are many time periods where the majority of price feeder data is over six hours old, and is included in the median calculation. 

Figure 4: The number of times x feeders were simultaneously stale by more than 5, 6, 10 hours, respectively.

How to handle stale data is a problem that all oracle-based systems must contend with. In Section 4, we compare the Medianizer method against a different algorithm for calculating the ETH USD estimate to examine whether a different approach would have handled stale data better. 

3.4. MakerDAO V2 

We next look at the latest oracle price outputs produced by the multi-collateral Dai system. We updated our empirical measurements of MakerDAO V2 from November 14, 2019 to May 10, 2020. There have been over 3 000 transactions thus far on both the ETH and the BAT Medianizer contract, respectively, whilst much fewer transactions using the other two collateral assets that have only been recently introduced. We therefore focus our analysis on the ETH and BAT Medianizer contracts.

Figure 5a shows a histogram of the absolute differences between the MakerDAO V2 Medianizer for ETH and the CCCAGG index between November 2019 and May 2020. It shows strong agreement between MakerDAO V2 and the benchmark CCCAGG index with an average external disagreement of only $1.26 and a standard deviation of $1.60. This indicates the problem that existed in V1 as a result of stale pricing has been successfully addressed by the changes made in V2 Medianizer algorithm as specified in Section 2.2

Figure 5: MakerDAO V2 ETH Medianizer

The maximum positive external disagreement for ETH in V2 thus far is $18.86, representing a 12 standard-deviation event; and the maximum negative external disagreement is $14.22. Interestingly, both events occurred on March 12, 2020, with one hour difference between these two events. The day was known as Black Thursday, as crypto currencies tumbled in significant values and were coupled with extreme market volatilities. The price of Ethereum dropped to as low as $90 [21]. MakerDAO suffered serious operational malfunction on the side of collateral debt liquidations. However, as Figure 5b looks into the ETH price movements on the day, tracking ETH prices produced by the MakerDAO V2 ETH oracle as well as by the CCCAGG index, it shows that the Maker oracle was resilient enough to produce continuous price updates. Furthermore, despite the extreme market condition on the day, the maximum external price disagreement that took place on Black Thursday represents a 12 standard-deviation event, which is much smaller in scale when compared with the disagreements we found in V1. Our empirical analysis indicates the same conclusion for BAT Medianizer contract [20], exhibiting very little price disagreements. 


The historical analysis in the previous section shows that aggregating the 14 price feeds into a single ETH-USD value can be subtle, especially in periods when there are few active price feeders, or at times when the prices they contribute exhibit large variance or differ from the ground truth. In this section we ask whether the current Medianizer algorithm—median with forward fill subject to expiration criteria—is the most accurate method to aggregate the price feeds into a single value. The concern is that the forward fill algorithm may cause the estimated ETH-USD price to be based on stale data that is several hours old. 

To explore the accuracy of the forward fill method, we experiment with different ways of aggregating the data into a single ETH-USD price, and investigate the accuracy of each method, compared to the current MakerDAO algorithm.

Alternate Medianizer strategies

We compare MakerDAO’s algorithm with two alternate methods. 

  • Median without forward fill: Here we compute the ETH-USD reference price using only values that are posted by the price feed contracts within the current hour. 

  • Winsorized mean: Here we first form the hourly dataset by replicating Maker’s Medianizer approach, by forward filling prices if they are valid at the time the oracle snapshot was taken. How ever, instead of computing the median, we calculate the truncated mean of the values. Specifically, for a sorted list of non-expired price feeds, we mask the 5% lowest values by replacing their values with the value corresponding to the 5th percentile, and we mask the 5% highest values by replacing with the value corresponding to the 95th percentile. The result is called a winsorized dataset, and we take its mean as the ETH-USD price. 

Figure 6 shows the absolute difference in price between the MakerDAO median and each aggregation method. Figure 6a measures the impact of forward fill. For the entire price history, 90% of the Aggregation Differences is non-zero implying that the computed median values differ in value as a result of forward fill. However, the average absolute difference is small with a mean of $1.43. The histogram shows that differences in computed median values due to the effect of forward fill follows a Gaussian distribution with small kurtosis, suggesting there is little difference in calculating the median by either methodology. 

Figure 6: Evaluating alternate aggregation methods

Figure 6b shows that the difference between MakerDAO and the winsorizing mean is also small. While the winsorizing mean is closer to the median with forward fill than without, the differences are small. 

The conclusion is that when using the current set of price feeds, all three methods produce very similar results. Hence, data staleness in forward fill is not a significant concern. Moreover, the forward fill method has a robustness advantage over the non-forward-fill method. The reason for this is that without forward fill, the median is computed over a smaller set of values, and is therefore more vulnerable to manipulation. Since accuracy does not seem to be impacted much by forward fill, the robustness benefits of forward fill justify Maker’s choice. 

For MakerDAO V2, the Median contract introduces a quorum parameter bar in order to update the median (Section 2.2). This is designed to address the potential problem of stale pricing to prevent malicious attacker from manipulating the median price output. As indicated in Figure 5 from Section 3.4, the issue with staleness has been successfully addressed in V2 and the quality of the pricing reports seems to be improved, despite the protocol experiencing extreme market conditions in recent months. However, the Median contract may have also inadvertently introduced a potential attack vector since if more than bar fresh price reports are available, the current implementation will not fully utilize all the information. Currently, the caller to the Median contract is the off-chain relayer, which chooses a set of exactly bar of price feeds to be submitted, and ignores any remaining fresh reports. It is unclear with respect to the selection criteria that is used by the off-chain relayer. For improvement, we recommend the requirement condition in the code for the size of the quorum to be set as greater than or equal to bar as opposed to be exactly equal to bar, in order to mitigate the impact of potential off-chain manipulations that cannot be observed by the Oracle. 

Lastly, as the platform expands, we recommend the Maker team consider adopting some Schelling-style incentive scheme that helps to reinforce both the frequency and the quality of the price feeds; such scheme has already been successfully adopted by projects such as Augur and UMA. 

4.1. A Statistical Test for Truthful Reporting 

In this section we develop a simple statistical test to help the Medianizer contract detect an incorrect price report from a data feeder. The approach works by following these steps. 

(1) For each of the 14 data feeds, we compute a time series of feeder deviations as defined by Equation 1. We obtain 14 time series. By plotting each time series we confirmed that they all closely follow a normal distribution with mean close to zero. However, each time series has a different standard deviation. 

(2) We compute the maximum-likelihood mean and standard deviation for each of the 14 time series. This gives us the normal distribution parameters for each of the 14 time series.

(3) Finally, for every price posting from a data feeder we compute the p-value for that posting using the computed parameters in Step (2). If the p-value is less than 0.05, we declare the posting as invalid. 

We test this approach on the large internal disagreement events for Feeder 8 reported in Figure 2b. Recall that on 2017-12-22 08:00 the price reported by Feeder 8 had a price deviation from the median of 15.23%. Computing the p-value for this based on Feeder 8’s mean and standard deviation of the sampled price deviations from the median over time, which are 0.09% and 0.71%, respectively, gives a p-value of approximately 0.00. This indicates that given Feeder 8’s past accuracy, this size deviation is very unlikely, and the data provided will be ignored. In the historical record, this test would cause 3.8% of the price feeds from Feeder 8 to be ignored. 


We now turn to a different aspect of the system, and examine the impact of an attacker who at tempts to exploit the governance structure. We begin by describing the current state of MakerDAO’s governance mechanism, and then analyze the level of centralization in the voting system. 

5.1 Voting in MakerDAO 

In addition to the Dai coin, Maker has a second coin for governance called MKR, which the governance participants use to vote. The amount of MKR a voter owns directly correlates to their voting power, so we treat 1 MKR as equivalent to one vote. MKR holders cast their votes by locking up their MKR into the voting contract. There are two categories of votes: Governance Polls, which aim to find a resolution to a matter, and Executive Votes, which change the state of the system: 

  • “Signal your support to set the Stability Fee to 20%” is a Governance Poll

  • “Change the Stability Fee to 20%” is an Executive Vote. 

For Governance Polls, several proposals may be suggested and the one that receives the most votes, even if this is not a majority vote, will be accepted. For an Executive Vote to pass, it must get more votes than the previous Executive Vote that passed. Executive Votes follow a Continuous Voting process: votes have no time limit and never ‘expire.’ So a new proposal will be executed when enough voters decide to transfer their votes from the old proposal to the new. Neither type of vote has a minimum voter turnout. Governance Polls usually last two to three days while Executive Votes have no time limit due to continuous voting [22].

To become a participant in the MakerDAO governance system, a potential voter must first set up a voting contract to lock up some amount of MKR, which can then be used to vote. Setting up the voting contract involves connecting a cold wallet (e.g., Ledger or Trezor) that contains MKR and ETH and a hot wallet with ETH. Only a small amount of ETH is needed in both the hot and the cold wallets for gas costs since setting up the voting contract and voting itself are on-chain transactions. An MKR voter can reuse tokens by withdrawing MKR from old votes, and casting it towards new ones. The process to cast and withdraw votes can be completed on the voting dashboard. This is straightforward provided that the voter has enough ETH to pay for gas costs. Due to the Voting Proxy contract [23], voters can use their full MKR value for both Governance Polls and Executive Votes simultaneously. 

5.2 Voter Participation 

There is exactly one million MKR in existence. As described above, the Continuous Voting mechanism makes it such that a new Executive Votes will execute once a majority of MKR holders have transferred their MKR to the new vote. For example, if an old proposal had 100 votes, a new proposal could execute once 51 of these votes were transferred to it. Or alternatively, even if no votes were transferred, the new proposal could win if additional voters came in and cast 101 votes towards the new proposal. To date, the top Executive Vote, meaning it had more MKR put towards it than any other vote, received 63 680 MKR. This indicates the turning point at which the new proposal had more votes than any old proposal. Given this, we can extrapolate that about 125 000 MKR is actively being put towards Executive Votes. 

Now, let us consider what would happen if a malicious entity wanted to pass an Executive Vote. We consider the situation which would make an attack most difficult: although the top Executive Vote was executed with 63 680 MKR, after some time voters will likely have transferred most of their MKR over to the new proposal. Suppose the current proposal has 125 000 MKR. If a malicious entity wanted to pass a new Executive Vote, it would have to put more than 125 000 MKR to ensure that the new proposal is executed. With the current MKR price of circa $327 USD, the cost of such an attack is $40.9 million USD [Updated figures as of October 17, 2021: With the current MKR price of circa $2564 USD, the cost of such an attack is $320.5 million USD]. 

Figure 7 shows the breakdown of the top ten MKR holding entities. Raw data is collected from Etherscan and a tool called Bloxy [24]. Known exchanges are not displayed in this list, and to our knowledge, each of these holders is an individual entity. 

Figure 7: Amount of MKR held by individual entities in relation to votes required to win an Executive Vote or Governance Poll

We see through the progression from Figure 7a to Figure 7b that over a period of a few months, the described attack has become much harder to execute. The number of votes for both Executive Votes and Governance Polls has gone up, and the amount of MKR held by top entities has decreased. In order to mount the attack described above in January 2020, we would only have needed two individual entities to collude to create the attack, while four months later, we would now need at least four individual MKR holders to collude. It is worth noting that a year ago, a single individual entity could have created the attack under V1. This shows significant progress away from centralization made by the team at MakerDAO. 

Each Governance Poll contains voting options and the option with the most votes will win. Table 2 shows voter turnout for two batches of Governance Polls, the first held between January 27, 2020 and January 30, 2020, and the second between May 11, 2020 and May 14, 2020. Our raw data is gathered from MakerDAO’s governance dashboard [25]

Table 2: Voter turnout for Governance Polls executed on January 30, 2020

We see that Governance Polls do not have a huge amount of participation. These polls all had less than 5% turnout in terms of the number of ‘votes’ (MKR) they received. Out of the five Governance Polls ending on May 14, 2020, the one with the most votes received 49 123 MKR out of the 1 000 000 MKR in existence. Furthermore, the amount of MKR cast for the winning vote is an even smaller percent, and one of the most recent governance polls won with less than 6 000 MKR. 

In Figure 7, we show horizontal red lines to represent how many votes were cast for the lowest turnout Governance Poll for that period of time. For Figure 7a, the line is at the number of votes case to win the poll ”Sai Stability Fee Adjustment on January 27, 2020” and for Figure 7b it shows the number of votes cast to win the poll ”Inclusion Poll for Core Personnel Onboarding - May 11, 2020.” We see that the amount of MKR used to execute the votes in both cases is below all top ten MKR holding entities. We additionally notice that out of the current 14 718 and 17 672 unique MKR holders [24] that existed respectively in January and May, only about twenty of them voted on each of the Governance Polls, translating to less than 1% for each poll. Although the amount of MKR used to vote has increased from January to May, the number of unique voters from each Governance Poll remains small (not more that 25 for any one poll). 

We briefly mention some risks that could hypothetically occur if a malicious party successfully creates a centralized governance attack.

  • Choice of price feeders: The malicious party could elect a completely new set of external price feeds to compute the reference price of collateral asset, since it is calculated as the median price feed. Inside the MakerDAO V2 median contract, for example, if a malicious entity can change the bar parameter that represents the size of the quorum, or if the attacker can successfully permission a new set of price feeds to replace the existing quorum, they could skew the value of the reference price. This would cause the Oracle to use an incorrect price PoracleP_{oracle} to determine the value of CDPs and thereby the supply of Dai in circulation, destabilizing the stablecoin from its par value to the dollar. Even if the market stabilized and the system recovered from this attack, during the period when Dai was de-pegged, the attacker can take profits through price arbitrage similar to the Synthetix oracle attack that had occurred. 

  • Emergency oracle: The malicious party could additionally elect a new Emergency Oracle, who has the power to unilaterally trigger Emergency Shutdown. Emergency Shutdown is embedded in MakerDAO V2 Oracle Module. It is capable to shutdown the price feeds and halt median update, but is incapable of bringing the feeds back up without governance to take control [17]. The design of emergency oracle directly affects the level of network security in MakerDAO. This will be interesting to study in a future paper to understand the operation of the emergency shutdown during a large-scale collateral debt liquidation event or a similar setting of extreme market stress. 

5.3 Governance: The Way Forward 

Maker has made large strides towards decentralizing its governance. The number of unique MKR holders was 792 on January 1, 2018, 6 457 at the beginning at 2019, 14 288 at the start of 2020, and today exceeds 17 500 [24]. This does not, however, mean all of those MKR holders have opened voting contracts or actively participate in votes. 

The Maker system appears to have a some very committed voters, which keeps the system healthy. As MKR becomes increasingly decentralized, we see attacks become more difficult to execute. However, low voter turnout may still put the system at risk of attack. Here we give some strategies for encouraging voter turnout, and describe what measures Maker has made and what further steps can be taken. 

Simplify the voting process

Currently, a party that wishes to participate in the MakerDAO governance system must go through a series of steps. This relatively high barrier to entry creates another point of centralization. Here we describe the steps presently required to prepare for and set up a voting contract. The following are the prerequisites for setting up a voting contract: 

(1) A hot wallet with ETH funds

(2) A Ledger or Trezor cold wallet (~$100 USD) bought online and shipped to a physical address

(3) ETH funds in the cold wallet. To transfer funds to the cold wallet, the voter must download the correct software and set up a wallet on the Ledger or Trezor device. They must then create a transaction which sends some ETH from a hot wallet to the address of the cold wallet

(4) MKR funds in the cold wallet, which will be used to vote. Additional steps may have to be taken in the case that MKR is not offered on the voter’s preferred cryptocurrency exchange. The MKR can be transferred to the cold wallet through the same mechanism as in Step 3 

After these initial steps, the voter visits the MakerDAO governance dashboard [25] to set up their voting contract. The dashboard will lead them through the process of connecting their cold and hot wallets and locking up the MKR that they will use to vote on proposals. Each step along the way—connecting hot and cold wallets, transferring funds from one wallet to another, and the creation of the voting contract—requires some small transaction fees paid in ETH. 

Overall, the initial setup and somewhat involved process of creating a voting contract make it challenging for the average user to become a voter. Many of these steps can be automated, or hidden behind a user-friendly user interface.

Once the voter is able to begin voting, we also have the process of becoming an educated voter, which may be challenging for new voters. To address this, Maker has created a blog [26] which briefs voters on upcoming votes, and the team also hosts regular governance calls. 

Provide alerting tools

To promote accountability, the protocol team should provide tools to allow voters to easily monitor the state of decentralization. The Maker team has made significant progress in making such tooling available over the last several months. They have provided a dashboard to monitor system parameters [27], an API to query logs and increase transparency on historical voting behavior [28], and an analytics dashboard to monitor voting behavior over time [29]. An example of an additional tool that could be useful is one which monitors the distribution of votes on a proposal. This could encourage people to detect cases where one voter single-handedly swings the outcome with their voting power. Continuing to create and provide these tools is important for the system to remain healthy and safe from governance attacks. 

Providing real-time alerting tools would be beneficial to further protecting the system from centralization attacks. The tools Maker has provided, in addition to sites like Bloxy and Etherscan, provide insight into these metrics retroactively, but on-chain alerting tools for users could allow risky scenarios to be detected more quickly. 

Allow votes delegation. The system could allow a MKR holder to delegate its votes to a proxy they feel is similarly aligned. Currently, the Maker system does not support delegating votes to a proxy. Delegation could increase voter participation and protect against malicious entities. However, we should be wary of centralization in proxies, since delegation could turn into centralization. Clearly defined policies and verifiable actions through on-chain alerting tools can help mitigate this risk. 


In this paper, we examined decentralized pricing oracles using MakerDAO as our empirical case study. Enforcing price feeds to provide reliable, fresh reports on-chain is a challenge that all oracle based systems must contend with. We additionally explored potential paths for creating a fair and representative governance system. Our work raises a number of directions for possible future work. First, following the introduction of Oracle Module logic in MakerDAO V2, it would be worthwhile to continue updating our empirical measurements for V2 as more types of collateral assets are introduced. Moreover, it would be valuable to compare MakerDAO protocol against other deployed systems that use pricing oracles from different design principles, such as the Compound protocol. Second, as seen through the Black Thursday event that occurred in March this year, real world events can act as stress tests for us to further understand dynamics between different parts of the stable coin’s stability mechanism, including the pricing oracle, the liquidation process, and the emergency recourse. Lastly, it would be insightful to study the degree of centralization in other governance systems used by DeFi platforms for improving decentralization. 


This work was funded by NSF and the Stanford Center for Blockchain Research (CBR). 

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