CES Copyright Release of Record (Last Updated March 2021)
We are pleased to have the privilege of publishing your manuscript in a forthcoming issue of Cryptoeconomic Systems, an open-access journal housed within MIT’s Media Lab. Your piece will be published under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license.
In order to both comply with U.S. Copyright Laws and facilitate the distribution of our publications, it is CES policy to own the copyright and license to any works that we publish. This Copyright Release Form transfers many rights, including some subsidiary rights, to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on behalf of Cryptoeconomic Systems (but reserves some rights for the authors). Please read and understand this release, as it grants substantial control over the material according to the terms set out below.
This form must be completed and returned to Cryptoeconomic Systems before your article can be published. Instructions for completing this copyright release form can be found below, and any additional inquiries should be directed to [email protected].
Please read and understand the entire form carefully.
A signed copy of this form must be returned to CES prior to publication.
It is strongly recommended that all manuscript authors read and understand this Agreement. However, only one author (the Corresponding Author, as defined below) is required to act as an authorized agent of the other authors and sign. A signature on these forms is a representation that the Corresponding Author is so acting as an authorized agent on behalf of the others.
Please note that some employment contracts, work-for-hire arrangements, or other contracts may have assigned copyright for this paper to a third party (e.g., an employer). In these cases, it is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that the proper, authorized individual signs this form. CES assumes that a completed form has been signed by the copyright owner.
This Copyright Release Form (the “Release” or “Agreement”) constitutes a legally binding contract between [Name of Corresponding Author] (the “Corresponding Author”) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (“MIT”) on behalf of the Cryptoeconomic Systems Journal (“CES” or the “Journal”) published at the Digital Currency Initiative, a part of MIT’s Media Laboratory. This agreement is intended to govern [Title of Manuscript] (the “Work”).
By signing this Copyright Release, I (the Corresponding Author) understand that I am assigning many of the rights held in the Work to CES and making several warranties.
The Author(s) will receive no monetary compensation or return from CES (or affiliates) in relation to the publication of this Work.
CES will have the right—but not the obligation—to enforce copyright claims or otherwise defend the Work against improper use by unauthorized parties.
Many of the assignments made and rights granted to MIT/CES in this Agreement will be licensed or granted to CES’ publisher for the express purpose of publishing, promoting, and/or disseminating the Work.
Author Self-Archiving Rights: The author(s) retain self-archiving rights to upload pre-print, submitted, revised, accepted, and final (i.e., peer-reviewed) visions of the Work to their institutional repositories, individual home page(s), or other repositories as mandated by law (e.g., in the case of government work or in accordance with applicable funder contracts).
Use in Academic/Professional Capacities: Author(s) retain the non-exclusive right to use, reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, and publicly display the Work in any medium in connection with the Author’s (or Authors’) academic and professional duties, including but not limited to teaching, conference presentations, and lectures.
Author Repository Rights: Author(s) retain the right to post any unpublished versions of their work to non-commercial/nonprofit repositories (i.e., those owned by organizations that do not directly or indirectly profit from hosting creative works). In these cases, CES stipulates that a full link to the CES Version of Record be included, and/or that the entry containing the Work be updated as soon as possible after publication.
Author Reuse Rights: The Author(s) of the Work will retain the right to reuse substantial portions of the Work in future research or works (including but not limited to books, presentations, or other publications), so long as a full citation to the CES-published Version of Record is included. No fee is expected for such reuse.
Author Proprietary Rights: Notwithstanding the rest of this Agreement, the author(s) retain all non-copyright proprietary rights (e.g., moral, patent, or trademark rights) associated with the Work.
Derivative Rights: The Author(s) retain the non-exclusive right to create derivative works from the Work.
Non-Commercial Use: The Author(s) retain the right to authorize others to make any non-commercial use of the Work (e.g., for educational purposes), so long as reasonable measures are taken to ensure that a full citation to the CES-published Version of Record is included.
Author Revision Rights: The Author(s) retain many rights regarding the ability to make revisions to the Work, divided along “major” and “minor” lines in accordance with industry best practices. If a revision is “major” (i.e., more than or exactly 25% of new substantive material), the work is considered a totally separate creation, which entitles the Author(s) to full copyright ownership. Otherwise (i.e., less than 25% of new substantive material), the work is considered to be a “minor revision” of the Work, and is subject to this Agreement in the same manner. This “minor revision” of the Work will be labelled as such, and include a full citation and link back to the CES Version of Record. Additionally, the Author(s) agree to notify CES of any minor revisions.
Rights Concerning Published Code: In the case of published computer code, the Author(s) retain control of third-party permissions to use this code.
Whenever distributing or re-publishing the Work as authorized above, the Author(s) agree that CES will be given first publication credit, agree to ensure that a full citation to the CES-published Version of Record is included, and agree that a proper copyright notice will be displayed on the work (both on the work as a whole and, where applicable, on the Work as well).
The Corresponding Author, in their capacity as representative for all authors of the Work, represents and warrants that:
The Work is the Author’s (or Authors’) original work;
The Work’s text has not been published before in any form (except as carved out by this agreement or otherwise mutually agreed upon);
There has been no license or other transfer to anyone with respect to the Author’s (or Authors’) copyright in the Work and that the Author(s) listed on the Work are the sole authors;
The Work does not violate or infringe the law or the rights of any third party and, specifically, that the Work contains no matter that is defamatory (or otherwise libelous) or that infringes upon any literary or proprietary rights of third parties, intellectual property rights of third parties, or any rights of privacy of any third parties; and that
All Author(s) have the full power and authority to enter into this Agreement, and if the Work was prepared jointly, the Corresponding Author agrees that he/she/they have informed the other Authors of the terms of this Agreement and has obtained their written permission to sign on their behalf.
If the Work contains third party copyrighted materials (e.g., images, illustrations, etc.), the Corresponding Author hereby warrants that they have obtained and attached a copy of the required releases for republication under a CC BY license. The Corresponding Author must include proper copyright notice as required by the original copyright holder. Unless the Corresponding Author has provided a copyright notice or a credit line that properly attributes the content to another copyright holder, the terms of this Agreement will govern that content, as well.
The Corresponding Author also agrees to hold the Journal harmless from any claim or action alleging facts which, if found to be true, breach the aforestated representations and warranties.
If you are submitting supplementary material, please (1) sign and return the appendix (Appendix A) as well; and (2) initial in the following space: _______
The Journal will have the following rights, among others:
To license abstracts, quotations, extracts, reprints, and/or translations of the Work for publication;
To license reprints of the Work to third parties for educational photocopying;
To license others to create abstracts of the Work; and
To license secondary publishers to reproduce the Work in print, microform, or any computer readable form including electronic on-line databases.
The aforementioned rights also include licensing the Work for document delivery.
In consideration of the Corresponding Author’s grant of rights, the Journal agrees to publish the Work, attributing the Work to the Authors.
If the Corresponding Author (acting on behalf of all Authors) wishes to give MIT (on behalf of CES) permission to use parts of the Work (including but not limited to illustrations) in promotional materials for the Journal (beyond what is granted in the rest of this Agreement), please initial in the following space: _______
In the event that any of the Work is used for such a purpose (with the understanding that it may not be so used), the Author(s) and/or the artwork will be appropriately credited.
Some of the forgoing grants and warranties will not apply if the Work was written by U.S. Government employees acting within the scope of their employment. If any Author is a U.S. Government employee who prepared this work as part of their official duties and there is no copyright to transfer, please initial in the following space: _______
The Corresponding Author (acting on behalf of all Authors) agrees that the Agreement may be signed with an electronic signature, agrees that an electronic signature shall be valid and binding for all purposes, and hereby waives any objection to the use of an electronic version of this agreement as a substitute for the original for any legally recognized purpose.
This Agreement reflects the entire understanding of the parties. This Agreement may be amended only in writing by an addendum signed by the parties, and amendments are incorporated by reference to this Agreement. This Agreement will bind and benefit our respective successors in interest, and will terminate if CES does not publish the Work within two calendar years of the date of the Corresponding Author’s signature.
Corresponding Author:
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date:
Journal Representative:
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date:
Supplementary Material Agreement: If the Author(s) are submitting additional text, video, or other material (“Supplementary Material”), now or in the future, that they consider relevant to their Work, the following three clauses will govern the posting of that material:
The Corresponding Author hereby gives MIT, on behalf of Cryptoeconomic Systems, a transferable, nonexclusive license to publish the Supplementary Material by hosting it on CES (or CES’ publisher’s) servers, accessible through a link from the web page(s) where the Work is listed, and from any other MIT website or related website. The Corresponding Author understands that the Supplementary Material has not been reviewed or approved by the editor of CES, is not considered part of the Work or of CES, and may or may not be included in any licensing arrangements that CES may have with respect to their publisher.
The Author(s) are free to include their personal contact information and any copyright or other notice that they wish to include in the Supplementary Material, provided it is not of the nature of an advertisement, solicitation of employment or business (or similar). MIT and CES (or CES’ publisher) reserve the right to take down the Supplementary Material at any time if, in its sole judgment, it believes that the Supplementary Material is not suitable for posting on its website.
The Corresponding Author (on behalf of all Authors) warrant that the Author(s) are the sole author(s) of the Supplementary Material, or if not, that the Author(s) have a complete and unencumbered right to grant MIT and CES the license stated above. The Corresponding Author also warrants that the Supplementary Material does not libel anyone, invade anyone’s copyright, or otherwise violate any statutory or common law right of anyone. The Author(s) agree to indemnify MIT against any claim or action alleging facts which, if found to be true, constitute a breach of any of the foregoing representations and warranties.
Corresponding Author:
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: