The Cryptoeconomic Systems journal and conference series aims to be a reputable venue and scholarly publication of record for impactful original research and reviews, analyses & systematizations of existing knowledge.
Rigorous study of cryptoeconomic systems necessitates the synthesis of technical fields such as cryptography, protocol engineering and distributed systems research with insights from the domains of economics, law, complex systems and philosophy. We hope that this initiative will play a part in crystallizing a mature communal scholarly ecosystem of cryptocurrency & blockchain technology research.
The journal is to be published by The MIT Press with a diamond open access policy, co-ordinated by a Managing Editor Wassim Alsindi and two Editors-in-Chief: Andrew Miller (Professor, UIUC/IC3) and Neha Narula (Director, Digital Currency Initiative). Rhys Lindmark and Ashley Jacobson have also contributed to the project.
Editors-in-Chief: Andrew Miller & Neha Narula
Guidance comes from our Advisory Board, is made up of distinguished researchers from academia and practice across computing, economic and legal disciplines. Notable contributions to cryptocurrency research include: Bulletproofs, LibraBFT, modeling of blockchain network economics, Segregated Witness, governance and regulatory policy, zero-knowledge proofs, network analysis tools, and Verifiable Delay Functions.
Advisory Board members are: Dan Boneh (Stanford Center for Blockchain Research), Eric Budish (UChicago Booth), Justin Drake (Ethereum Foundation), Shafi Goldwasser (MIT CSAIL & Berkeley), Maurice Herlihy (Brown CS, Algorand), Simon Johnson (MIT Sloan), Dahlia Malkhi (Calibra), Sendhil Mullainathan (UChicago Booth), Arvind Narayanan (Princeton CS), Robert Townsend (MIT Econ.), Kevin Werbach (UPenn Wharton) & Pieter Wuille (Blockstream, Bitcoin Core).
Advisory Board, first row: Dan Boneh, Eric Budish, Justin Drake, Shafi Goldwasser, Maurice Herlihy & Simon Johnson. Second row: Dahlia Malkhi, Sendhil Mullainathan, Arvind Narayanan, Robert Townsend, Kevin Werbach & Pieter Wuille.
Journal Editors-In-Chief:
Andrew Miller (UIUC / IC3)
Neha Narula (MIT DCI)
Managing Editor:
Wassim Alsindi (MIT DCI)
Program Committee:
Robleh Ali (MIT DCI)
Dan Aronoff (MIT)
Man Ho Allen Au (Hong Kong Univ.)
Sarah Azouvi (UCL / Protocol Labs)
Andrew Bailey (Yale Univ.)
Oliver Beige (Independent)
Alex Biryukov (University of Luxembourg)
Balázs Bodó (Amsterdam Univ.)
Joe Bonneau (NYU)
Erik Bordeleau (Concordia Univ.)
Jaya Klara Brekke (Durham Univ.)
Christian Cachin (Bern Univ.)
Nic Carter (Castle Island)
Tarun Chitra (Gauntlet)
Primavera De Filippi (CNRS / Harvard)
Christian Decker (Blockstream)
Tadge Dryja (MIT DCI)
Rick Dudley (Vulcanize)
Quinn DuPont (UC Dublin)
Silke Noa Elrifai (Gnosis, CNRS / CERSA / Uni. Paris II)
Matheus Venturyne Xavier Ferreira (Princeton Univ.)
Martin Florian (Weizenbaum Institute / HU Berlin)
Cyril Grunspan (De Vinci Research Center)
Hanna Halaburda (NYU Stern)
Sam Hart (COALA)
Zhiguo He (Chicago Booth)
Ethan Heilman (Arwen)
Aniket Kate (Purdue)
Sung Eun Summer Kim (UC Irvine)
William Knottenbelt (Imperial College London)
Georgios Konstantopoulos (Independent)
Antoine Le Calvez (CoinMetrics)
Andrea Leiter (Melbourne Univ.)
Sarah Jamie Lewis (Open Privacy)
Laura Lotti (Independent)
Jacky Mallett (Reykjavík Univ.)
Patrick McCorry (anydot)
Bob McElrath (Independent)
Catherine Meadows (Naval Research Laboratory)
Pedro Moreno-Sanchez (TU Wien)
Patrick Murck (Transparent Systems)
Sunoo Park (MIT / Harvard)
Jason Potts (RMIT)
James Prestwich (Summa)
Alex Psomas (Google Research)
Ellie Rennie (RMIT)
Lane Rettig (Spacemesh)
Carla Reyes (MSU)
Dan Robinson (Paradigm)
Thibault Schrepel (Utrecht / Harvard)
Alfred Taudes (WU Vien)
Florian Tschorsch (TU Berlin)
Madars Virza (MIT DCI)
Angela Walch (St. Mary's Univ. / UCL CBT)
Michael Zargham (BlockScience / WU Wien)
Dionysis Zindros (Athens Univ.)